Are You Living in a Dengue Red Zone?
These past few days had been hot and rainy, the perfect kind of weather for Aedes mosquito to breed and it’s no wonder that we’re seeing an increase in the number of dengue cases across Singapore.
Dengue is a Painful Disease
Unfortunately most folks in Singapore is still unaware of how dangerous and painful it is to suffer from dengue (it’s other name is “Break Bone Fever”!) and there’s no cure while you suffer the pain and see your platelet counts drop everyday.
So what do you do if you live in a dengue cluster (in Singapore)? Well, you must of course continue to do the 5-Step Mozzie WipeOut to make sure mosquito do not breed in your home and surrounding. But what else can you do?
NEA Recommends Magnetic Insect Screens?
One effective way – even as recommended by NEA – is to install insect screen (window mesh) to keep mosquito out of your home. This is especially if you have young children or vulnerable elderly at home. Our magnetic insect screen (window mesh) not only keep mosquito out, it has the bonus benefit of keeping out other insects and pest like flying cockroach, lizard, bee, flies, flying termites also. And for some – even the pesky mynah bird!
You can check out the many photos & videos of what we have done here. And of course, reviews from many of our customers whom we have had the privilege to serve!
To find out where the current dengue clusters (in Singapore), go to the NEA Dengue Zika site here.
Not sure how to choose Insect Screens? Read this article.